Monday, October 25, 2010


We have contractors at the house today.  They are putting drywall up in the bedroom and stairwell.

Tony did some major demo work in the past week and a half.  He removed all the plaster, re-wired and added several oulets, and light fixtures, AND added insulation.  He did this all while working a full-time job and we even hosted a party this past weekend!

 I am SO GLAD they are there!  I know Tony is too.

When the contractors are done the rooms will be primed and ready for fresh paint!  Then the floors will be finished in the bedroom and it will be DONE! (Well, the windows still need to be replaced and the closets need to be built out, and the trim needs to be cut and added to the windows and baseboards...but you get the idea)

Pictures to follow.  I promise!

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